It means that I am halfway through JessicaSmithTV's 31 Day Ab Challenge! It will take me a little bit longer than 31 days because I am not working out on Sundays (religious reasons) but, it will be close and I have managed to work out every weekday and Saturday so far!
I also have to admit that I skipped/will be skipping the stability ball workouts... not because I want to but just because I don't want to buy a stability ball for 2 workouts. Because, let's be honest, after those two it will just sit in a corner and take up space. So, at the end, I'm just going to redo two of my favorite workouts.
Some things I've realized:
- It's really becoming part of my routine. I feel like I've been getting up at 6am and doing a Jessica Smith workout for a lot longer than 2.5 weeks.
- While I have to fight the urge to hit snooze in the morning, I really like waking up early and working out first thing. It wakes me up and I have more energy in the mornings. I'm also generally less grumpy though, this little thing called PMS still exists, so my husband may beg to differ ;)
- The workouts I think I'll hate are the ones that I end up loving, and the ones I think I'll love, I end up not liking as much. So, this has been great so far. I'm learning what I like and what I really don't care for. So far my favorites have been Cardio Ball Blast and Single Sided Strength
- I'm kind of an old lady when it comes to stuff hurting my knees!
- My shoulders pop, and it's super annoying. Apparently my shoulders think I'm an old lady too because I looked it up and most things said, "As you age/ If you're an athlete" and I'm definitely not an athlete soo....
- There is apparently not much I can do about my shoulder popping and as long as its not hurting me, its not much of a problem. No wonder I don't like arm workouts!
- I actually like working out. I'm not to the point yet where I necessarily look forward to waking up at 6 am and working out but I'm not dreading it anymore so, that's an improvement.
- I am a huge fan of videos vs. written workouts. If I'm counting my reps, I'm going to stop early. If I have somebody encouraging me and counting the reps for me, even on a screen, I'm going to do a much better job at following through.
- Sometimes you need reward motivators. My motivator? John said if I complete the full 31 days he'll take me out to dinner wherever I want... I'm thinking sushi ;)
All in all, I'm doing well. I'm feeling a little stronger and my abs are consistently sore though, not to the point of pain, just to the point that I can tell I worked them out, which I love. I am getting stronger, though I know that it will be a slow process.
How about you? Are you on JessicaSmithTV's 31 Day Ab Challenge? What have you learned doing this or any other challenge?
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