Monday, July 7, 2014

Monthly Mayhem: The Greenwood's 13th Month!

Monday, July 7, 2014
 photo monthlymayhem_zps6721b3d3.jpgWow.
I cannot believe that it is already the 7th of July! Time has really flown. Before you know it, it will be time for John and I to go back to school. In fact, we register for classes in just a few days!

Even though time flew by this June, it was pretty uneventful. 

John had to deal with his stomach issues... still. He has had to chance medications several times but now we are back to the one that works! Woo! Here's to being able to eat tomato sauce again! You know, you never really realize how much you eat a particular food product until you (or your husband) can't have it anymore. 

I have been diligently working away on knitting Christmas presents for my family and some very close friends. I've been making pretty good progress, and I can't wait to share them all with you after the holidays. I know that's a long way but stick with me! I don't want any surprises to be spoiled because somebody "accidentally" saw their present on my blog!

John was applying for some internships but did not quite make the deadline for college credit, which is probably good because he got a new calling at church that will probably take up quite a bit of time!

We started and finished "The Glades" on Netflix (which is this really awesome show about a homicide detective) only to find out that it has a horrible ending because it was cancelled way before its time. 

A lot of our shows that we love to watch together got cancelled this month (or at least, we found out about it this month), Revolution probably being the most upsetting. Especially sense it was obviously cancelled without much notice and ended with zero closure! 

John started P90x up again! He's going strong! He has worked out everyday (with the exception of one sick day and on Sundays) for two weeks.  It may not seem like much, but this is what it takes to build a habit and he seems pretty dedicated. 

I restarted my #100happydays project, which you can follow on my instagram or sign up for yourself at

Not a whole lot has happened this past month, but it has kind of been nice to relax a little bit. I look forward to finishing out the summer strong in July.   

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